UnTrue-Car Websites or Car Telemarketers? Sell Your Information For A Profit!
- Today it’s great to be able to have all these new car Apps and Websites available when you're in the market to buy or lease a new vehicle. But what most consumers don’t know is that 95% of these websites are linked to work in with car dealers. They all come across as your free friendly information center that supposedly helps you get the best deal possible when shopping for a new car.
- Unknowingly, the customer is completely unaware of what's about to come their way. Let me break it down so you can understand how this magic show full of illusions works, and how you end up paying for that so-called "Free" service.
- Once they have your information they send it to every dealership in your area hoping to get a sale. Before you know it, you’ll be bombarded with so many emails and phone calls you’ll think you have your very own fan club in the worst possible way. In return, 95% of these sites get a commission back from the selling dealer.
- Car Dealerships sign up and pay these sites to get your information, then on top of that they get paid an additional commission, usually around $500 if they finalize the sale. So in actuality-- and I really want you to think about this-- you’re paying a site to take your information for what you thought was a free service and give it to car dealerships that then pay them a commission. How do you think these sites stay in business?
- I know this for a FACT. I used to work for one of the largest dealer franchises in the Greater New York Tri-state area as a Fleet Director. At the beginning of each month these sites would ask us for the new price sheets with their commissions already packed into the price.
- How many times a day do you see on the internet-- especially FaceBook-- asking you to enter your email, phone and zip code?
- Almost all dealerships have an Internet Department that signs up for these referral services. Believe me, you’ll end up with so many calls and emails, you’ll almost have to take on a new identity just to get rid of them! When a deal is complete the car dealer pays the vendor the fee they signed up with to get the information you entered.
Car Sites That Get Paid by Auto Dealers for Your Information!
- CarMax
Kelly Blue Book
Cars Direct
Un-True Car
Cars Direct
The list goes on and on...
- It’s quite funny, actually, watching these sites and Apps come up with new ways to try and lure people into believing all you have to do is order here and take this number to the car dealership. You're thinking, "Oh, wow that was easy!" Or even better, they give you a buyer’s certificate to show when you arrive at the dealership. That certificate you go in waving around is like a red flag to a bull. The only difference is they charge you in a different way.
Nice to meet you sucker!
- The numbers they give you are about as useful as a one legged man in an ass kicking competition. They can only give you a working number, then you're on your own! Some companies now go as far as quoting exact payments.
Nice to meet you Sucker, I mean, "Sir."
Fact number 2
- No one can quote you an exact payment without you filling out a credit application and submitting it to the bank for an approval just like the dealerships. So be careful who you give out your information to with these new online apps.
- Car dealerships won’t be going away anytime in the near future because sooner or later you’ll have to go into the dealership for a test drive. Just keep this in mind-- all these new Apps are coming out telling you that you’re approved and your payment is only going to be X amount, is just another way to lure you into a dealership.
- We receive a ton of emails and calls from clients telling us how misleading these websites are once they arrive at the dealership. For peace of mind, before you decide to sign elsewhere, you can get your pricing checked by us at Car Leasing Concierge. We'll help break it down for you with total transparency. This way you'll rest easy knowing you're getting the best pricing and service for your hard earned dollars.
Remember: the last place you want to end up on is the corner of Sucker Street and Buyer's Remorse Blvd.!
At Car Leasing Concierge, we're not here to sell you a car, we're here to help you lease or buy one!
2017's Hottest Car Buying Trend!
2017's Hottest Car Buying Trend has a step-by-step, quick and easy process for new car buyers in the market to buy or lease any new Car, Truck, Van or SUV. This valuable buyers guide saves shoppers Time, Money and unnecessary Stress.
Why is buying a car like learning a foreign language?
- A national auto pollster recently surveyed 10,000 people in the U.S. about buying or leasing new cars, and the results show most consumers aren’t exactly fans of the standard car dealership experience. In fact, three-quarters said if given the opportunity, they would consider making their entire car-buying process online-- including financing, price negotiation, back office paperwork and home delivery.
Don't Worry, Drive Happy!
- For many, purchasing a car at a dealership is too much of a confusing high-pressure process. It’s easy to see how it’s preferable to haggle over prices and options and review the fine print at one’s leisure in front of a screen rather than surrounded by salespeople and their “let me talk to the manager” games.
- After all, a classic negotiation tactic is walking away from the deal on the table, and walking away from an online offer is as simple as ignoring an email.
- For another indication of the degree to which consumers don’t like the traditional car-buying experience, check out a recent survey conducted by another national auto ranking pollster.
- Of 4,002 consumers polled, only 17 said they like the current car buying process just as it is. The rest said they “want significant changes, particularly in the test drive, deal structuring, financing paperwork and service phases.” Many said they’d like to see the nitty-gritty of deals conducted online rather than in person.
Is your wallet getting taken for a test drive?
- For instance, consumers indicate that they would like to see a big change in the way they go about negotiating the deal structure. Of those who liked the idea of online deal building, over half, 65%, want the ability to start the negotiation on their own terms—preferably online—and 35% would like to remain anonymous until they lock in the deal structure.
- Nearly three-fourths of consumers, 72%, want to complete the credit application and financing paperwork online. The key factors driving this desire are to save time at the dealership (reported by 72% of those who favor online paperwork) and to have less pressure while filling out paperwork (reported by 71% of those who favor online paperwork).
- Let’s not forget that one of the supposed purposes of car dealerships is to provide a place for consumers to kick the tires, test-drive vehicles, and (hopefully) get good insights and advice from employees.
Nonetheless, there’s considerable pressure to change the often-maddening experience—to make it quicker, more transparent, less stressful, and less complicated—and become more open to online purchases.
Do car dealerships really have the best deals?
If you’ve ever dreaded going to the car dealership, you’re not alone. That’s why services exist that help people buy cars without ever setting foot on a lot.
Once you decide on a car model, car-buying services use certified representatives to do all the searching and haggling for you. Online car services enable you to buy from your living room couch.
People hire representation when they’re not an expert in that field … and car buying today is complex. You negotiate price, interest rates or lease rates, the bank fees, and once you get all that done, you’re not finished.
A lot of people are just not prepared to effectively negotiate a car deal for themselves. If you want an expert’s help with finding, negotiating and purchasing a new or used car — or you want someone to do those things for you entirely — consider one of the following.
Car Concierges:
What they do:
Auto concierges learn about a shopper’s vehicle needs and preferences than do the legwork.This is where business owners and corporations go to buy or lease their vehicles, as it far supersedes anything a dealership will offer you. Lastly, Concierges will even have the car delivered to your home or office so you can sign the sales contract.
Car-buying concierge is a highly specialized service that only a few companies currently offer.
Concierges typically charge a small upfront flat fee or sometimes a percentage of the amount they save you on the vehicle purchase. This fee depends on the car they’re tasked with finding, since they normally deal in mass volume. Either way, the price will nearly always be cheaper than going to a car dealership.
What to know:
- These professionals know what they’re doing, most are former automotive fleet directors or inventory managers that have the ability and leverage to bypass car dealerships completely.
- They have access to factory to dealer incentives, buy rates and dealer costs on extended warranty contracts etc, that’s normally not offered to the public
Concierges can purchase your new car, so you never have to visit a dealership.
No dealer fees or marked up rates.
No waiting, same day delivery or within 24 hrs
Transparent and professional service. No games.
Club car-buying programs:
What they do: Companies such as American Express, Costco, and AAA have their own auto-buying programs. Some credit unions, such as Navy Federal, also offer them.
Members input their ideal car model and features online, then the company’s representatives search for a match within their certified dealership network.
These approved dealerships offer low, prearranged pricing in exchange for the company’s referrals. Once your representative has found an option, he or she will arrange for you to visit the dealership.
You can take a test drive and sign a contract if you think it’s the right car for you.
There might be a small fee for this service, but it’s often free with membership.
What to know:
Your car-buying professional might not find the exact model or color you wanted in the dealership network. You’re more likely to find the car you prefer with these services if you’re looking for a widely available model.
Many of these representatives can offer advice about which cars are best in class or suggest vehicles you might not have considered.
You’ll still be offered an extended warranty and other additional products by the dealership.
You still have to go to the car dealership to sign and there’s no guarantee you won’t be waiting. But at least the price of the car is locked in.
- Bottom line is they can’t get it cheaper than a car concierge that delivers to you
Car Brokers:
What they do:
- Brokers are often former car salespeople, well-versed in the tactics of dealerships. They can operate individually or as part of a large company with multiple agents.
- You can hire a broker to search car lots, haggle and buy your ideal car for the best price. You can even hire one to negotiate on your behalf for a car you’ve already found.
Some brokers charge a small fee or none at all, but they receive an undisclosed commission from the dealership.
Buyers should be aware this raises the possibility that some brokers could be incentivized to settle for a higher price or only visit dealerships with which he or she has a good relationship like Truecar or Cars.com.
Be careful, these companies get paid to sell your information to the car dealerships and are referred to in the industry as glorified car brokers.
What to know:
- Car Concierges provide the best overall choice if you don't like going to car dealers
- Car-buying services are a good service but still send you to the car dealership
Find trusted car brokers through online review sites, such as Yelp, or recommendations from friends.
Most brokers send you to the dealership to pick up your car or charge a fee to have it delivered.
Are they right for you?
- Visiting the dealership still has some advantages. It makes it easier to arrange test drives and compare models, and dealerships sometimes have the lowest interest rates for lease deals.
- We hear often from consumers who negotiated prices for hours with car salespeople. They wasted their time. The only leverage you have with car dealers is the possibility that you’ll walk out and buy from another dealer, or not buy anything at all.
- We hear from other consumers who used websites that promise to provide information to help them obtain the best price, or in some cases, a (supposedly) low price quote from a car dealer.
- Some of these websites mean well, they try to arm shoppers with price data they can use to negotiate better-than-average deals. But many just provide referrals to participating—really, paying—dealerships.
- Even when these sites seem to provide low prices, they often omit important details like hefty document fees, extra fees to locate specific cars, or costly mandatory options.
- Still, although they might have fees or membership dues, auto-buying programs can save car shoppers a lot of time, stress and potentially thousands of dollars.If you don’t have the time to search the market for the right car — or you simply don’t want to — it can be a relief to have an expert do the heavy lifting.
The bottom line:
"There aren’t too many things out there anymore that you can’t buy in an online way, and it’s really automotive that’s lagging pretty much every other industry out there until now."
- Car Leasing Concierge is changing the way people buy or lease a new car, in fact you don't even have to step foot inside a dealership. It’s a quick and easy process that many businesses and corporations use.
- What many people don't know is that the average car shopper can also use their services to buy or lease their own personal vehicles. This allows them to bypass car dealerships entirely, saving them valuable time, money and unnecessary stress.
- Created by former auto fleet directors who've managed some of the Tri-state's largest and most prestigious automotive dealerships for over 25 years, their Direct Fleet Network system has the ability and leverage to deal directly with the manufacturer.
- This allows them to offer you below dealer pricing on most makes and models normally inaccessible to the public. What that means is this is the cheapest way you can possibly buy or lease a new car, truck or SUV-- regardless of where you got your price from.
- If you have a new vehicle in mind, they'll be be more than happy to check your deal for a better one. In most cases after a quick analysis is complete, clients end up saving hundreds to thousands of dollars more they weren't even aware of.
See the true Fact comparison sheet below.
True Fact Comparison
- Check today. This way you'll rest easy knowing you've secured the best deal possible for your hard-earned dollars.
- Car Leasing Concierges no-wait concierge service ensures a complimentary delivery of your new vehicle to your home or office, accompanied by simplified paperwork ready for you to sign. They end with a new car orientation -- all within 24 hours!
Get the deal you want, your way, today!
Delivery is available to the following areas:
NYC-- Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island and the Bronx; All of Long Island, including the Hamptons; Greater Hudson Valley - Westchester, Orange and Rockland Counties; New Jersey - Bergen, Essex, Hudson, Morris and Passaic Counties; and Fairfield County, CT.
To learn more please visit www.carleasingconcierge.com
Phone 1-800-886-1950, or email info@carleasingconcierge.com.